HELLO! I'm Dawn James, the creator and founder of KNJ Bath Time "LET ME CHANGE BATH TIME FOR YOU" isn't just my motto, ITS WHAT I DO! KNJ stands for Kaden and Niko James, my two amazing kids who both have eczema and let me tell you,...ITS A HASSLE! I love my babies dearly so I came up with a solution that I want the world to enjoy, "KNJ BATH TIME" isn't just for eczema, ITS FOR ALL TYPES OF SKIN SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, LET ME CHANGE BATH TIME FOR YOU!
I came up with making milk baths to help people rehydrate their skin while relaxing in the tub. It started with my daughter having sensitive skin, as a new mom someone suggested using breast milk to help with dry skin or baby rashes. As I thought about friends and family who have the same issues I began to research to find the best formula and that's how I began KNJ Bath Time.
Each milk bath is created with organic coconut milk powder and coconut oil epsom salt.
For those who do have an allergy to coconut we do have goat milk and lavender epsom salt to substitute.